Saturday, October 29, 2011

Using symbolicatecrash script to symbolicate crash logs

Update:  If this doesn't work for you anymore, try this:

We were given a consulting job to figure out why the clients app was randomly crashing (fun).

We were provided the binary submitted to Apple along with the .dSYM file.
I found out about this Apple provided script called 'symbolicatecrash', which is a Perl script that will "translate" a .crash file into what exact point in your source code the app crashed at.

'symbolicatecrash' was located in my environment (XCode 3.2.6) in /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DTDeviceKit.framework/Versions/A/Resources.

I copied 'symbolicatecrash' to a folder containing the .dSYM, .app, and .crash files and ran the following command:

./symbolicatecrash -A -v 'app_name.crash'

That will output to standard output the crash log with source code info instead of memory addresses.

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